1.Visually inspect the condition of the door seal. Pick a spot and place a piece of paper between the gasket and door jamb. With the door closed, pull it around the perimeter of the door. If the gasket is fitted properly, the paper will offer some resistance as it is being pulled. An air leak can occur where the paper offers no resistance. If a corner is not sealing,
a. loosen half the gasket screws starting from that point to the two nearest corners;
b. with the door open, twist the door from that particular corner toward the door jamb, hold it in that position, and tighten the screws;
c. if you notice any cracks or breaks in the door liner around the screw hole, hold the liner and gasket in position (see fig. 73a), remove the screw from that particular hole, pass the screw through a metal tab to hold the liner in place, and then screw it into the door assembly.

2.The vertical and horizontal adjustment of the door is made by the hinge with elongated holes at the top of the door. (In chest-type freezers, there are two hinges at the back of the lid.) If the gasket is not sealing on one side, proceed as follows:
a. Loosen the hinge screws at the top (or on the back hinges).
b. Force the door into its proper position. To do this, you will have to force the door against the jamb in a way that all four corners of the gasket are flush and sealing. Hold the door in that position while tightening the screws on the hinge. (You may have to repeat step 2b for proper door adjustment.) If you still observe a poor seal on one side of the door gasket, proceed to the next step.
c. Remove the top hinge and the door and place a metal washer on the bottom hinge. Reinstall the door and follow step 2b to get a good gasket seal. (A washer is placed between the bottom of the door and the bottom hinge to compensate for any slight bend of the hinge caused by the weight of the door).

When ordering a new gasket to replace an old one, it is set in an angular pattern from being in the box. If it is mounted in this condition, the gasket will come out wavy instead of being straight. To make it soft and pliable, simply put it in a clothes drier or warm water for four or five minutes prior to installation. It will then become easier to handle and provide a neat installation.

Start with the corners first when installing a gasket. Place the next screws in the center between the corners, and the next screws between the centers of the last ones, and so on until all of the screws are replaced. New gaskets may come with shims to improve gasket fit should the door be only slightly warped.

Cracked or broken compartment liners can be neatly repaired with a Fiberglas repair kit bought from a local auto parts store or a boat dealer. When the repair dries, it can then be sanded and painted to match the rest of the interior.

For exterior repair of chipped or scratched paint, touch-up kits are sold by the dealers for any particular brand. The year of manufacture and the color of the unit are needed. After applying the touch-up paint, it may take a day or two for the color to dry to the original shade.

You may place a 150-watt flood light inside the cabinet aimed at one area of the door gasket. Close the door and inspect that area. A poorly fitted gasket is indicated by light penetration between the door jamb and gasket. Inspect the entire gasket by directing the light at consecutive areas of the gasket.

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